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Information Technology
AY 2024-2025 SEM-2
Advanced Diploma
Advanced Diploma
Course categories
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-1
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-1 / Level 1
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-1 / Level 2
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-1 / Level 3
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-1 / Level 4
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-1 / Level 4 / Project and Presentation
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-1 / PSC-Math and CS courses
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-1 / Arabic Skills
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-1 / Post Foundation
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-1 / Post Foundation / English for Academic Purposes UNEN1102
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-1 / Post Foundation / Technical Writing UNEN1203
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-1 / Post Foundation / Public Speaking UNEN3105
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-2
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-2 / Level 1
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-2 / Level 2
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-2 / Level 3
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-2 / Level 4
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-2 / Post Foundation
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-2 / Post Foundation / English for Academic Purposes UNEN1102
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-2 / Post Foundation / Technical Writing UNEN1203
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-2 / Post Foundation / Public Speaking UNEN3105
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-2 / PSC-Math & Computing Skill Courses
PSC / AY 2024-25 SEM-2 / Arabic Skills
Business Studies
Business Studies / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2
Business Studies / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Business Diploma Courses
Business Studies / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Business Advanced Diploma Courses
Business Studies / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Business Bachelors Courses
Business Studies / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / ADVISEE CONNECT AY24-25
Engineering / Engineering Courses
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 1
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 1 / PHYS1220 ENGINEERING PHYSICS II
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 1 / EGHS1140 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 1 / EGGR1100-ENGINEERING GRAPHICS (Manual)
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 1 / PHYS1110-ENGINEERING PHYSICS I
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 1 / EGRE1230-INTRODUCTION TO RENEWABLE ENERGY
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 1 / EGEW1210 & EEPW1240 ENGINEERING WORKSHOP
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 1 / CHEM1120 - CHEMISTRY FOR ENGINEERING
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 1 / EGCP1130-COMPUTER PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERING
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 1 / PHYS1211 - PHYSICS-2 (ENGINEERING)
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 1 / EGGR1100-ENGINEERING GRAPHICS (AutoCAD)
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Civil
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Civil / EGCV2220 & CECE2220 - STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS I & Theory Of Structure 1
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Civil / EGCV2230 - 24-25-SEC1-SEM1-CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Civil / EGCV2210 & CECE2240 - REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN I & Design Of Structures 1
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Civil / EGCV2250 & CECE2250 - DIPLOMA PROJECT & Final Year Project 1
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Civil / EGCV2130 - CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Civil / EGCV2140 - INTRODUCTION TO CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWING
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Civil / EGCV2110 & CECE2110N - 23-24-SEM 2-STATICS AND MECHANICS OF MATERIALS & Applied Mechanics C
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Electrical
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Electrical / EGEL2220 - ELECTRICAL SKILLS AND WIRING DESIGN
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Electrical / EGEL2130 & EEPW2251-ELECTRICAL MACHINES I & Electrical Power Technology
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Electrical / EGEL2210 & EEPW2252 - Electrical Power Systems
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Electrical / EGEC2240 & EEPW2320 - INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS & Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Electrical / EERE2201 - Introduction to Renewable Energy
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Electrical / EGEC2220 & EETE2270 - Fundamentals of Digital Electronics
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Electrical / EGEL2230 & EEPW2399 - DIPLOMA PROJECT & Diploma Project
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Electrical / EEPW2150 & EGEL2110 - ELECTRIC CIRCUITS I & Electrical Principles
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Electrical / EGEL2130 - ELECTRICAL MACHINES I
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Electrical / EGEL2120- ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Mechanical
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Mechanical / EGME2240 & MIME2350-Diploma Project
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Mechanical / EGME2220 & MIME2240 - FLUID MECHANICS & Fluid Mechanics I
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Mechanical / MIEE2110N-Electrical Technology
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Mechanical / MIME2130-Manufacturing Process
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Mechanical / EGME2130 - ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Mechanical / EGME2210 - PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Mechanical / EGME2110 & MIME2101N - ENGINEERING MECHANICS & Applied Mechanics I
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Mechanical / EGME2140 &MIME2220 - MACHINE DRAWING
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Mechanical / EGME2120 - Engineering Materials
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Mechanical / EGME2230 & MIME3110 - ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS &Thermodynamics I
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Mechanical / MIME2230-Workshop Technology
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Year 2 / Mechanical / MIEE2210N-Engineering Instrumentation& Industrial Control
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Civil
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Civil / EGCV3220 - GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Civil / EGCV3130 - ESTIMATION COSTING AND VALUATION
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Civil / EGCV3230 - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING I
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Civil / EGCV3264 - NUMERICAL METHODS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Civil / EGCV3210 - DESIGN OF STEEL STRUCTURES
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Civil / EGCV3250 - ADVANCED DIPLOMA PROJECT
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Civil / EGCV3120 - CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWING AND BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Civil / EGCV3110 - FLUID MECHANICS
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Civil / EGCV3140 - STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS II
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Electrical
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Electrical / EGEL3130 POWER STATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Electrical / EGEL3230 & EEPW3152 / Power System Analysis
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Electrical / EGEL3220 / Control Systems
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Electrical / EGEL3240 / Advance Diploma Project
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Electrical / EGEL3110 - ELECTRIC CIRCUITS II
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Electrical / EGEL3120 - ELECTRICAL MACHINES II
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Electrical / EGCO2220 - MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Electrical / EGEL3210 - POWER ELECTRONICS AND DRIVES
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Electrical / EGEL3261 / ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND AUDIT
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Mechanical
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Mechanical / EGME3120 - HYDRAULICS AND PNEUMATICS
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Mechanical / EGME3140 - METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Mechanical / EGME3130 & CECE2210 - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Mechanical / EGME3110 - THEORY OF MACHINES I
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Mechanical / EGME3210 - INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Mechanical / EGME3220 - MACHINE DESIGN I
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Mechanical / EGME3230 - THERMAL ENGINEERING
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Mechanical / EGME3240 - Advance Diploma Project
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma / Mechanical / EGME3261 - AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / CIVIL
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / CIVIL / EGCV4140 - REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN II
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / CIVIL / EGCV4110 - HYDRAULICS
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / CIVIL / EGCV4150 - BACHELOR PROJECT PHASE I
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / CIVIL / EGCV4120 - FOUNDATION ENGINEERING
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / CIVIL / EGCV4165 - PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE DESIGN
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / CIVIL / EGCV4130 - TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING I
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / CIVIL / EGCV4164 - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING II
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / CIVIL / EGCV4220 - WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / CIVIL / EGCV4250 - BACHELOR PROJECT PHASE II
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / CIVIL / EGCV4210 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / CIVIL / EGCV4265 - GROUND IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / ELECTRICAL
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / ELECTRICAL / EGEL4110 - SWITCHGEAR AND PROTECTION
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / ELECTRICAL / EGEL4130 - BACHELOR PROJECT PHASE I
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / ELECTRICAL / EGEL4120 - HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / ELECTRICAL / EGEL4160 - UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / ELECTRICAL / EGEL4210 - COMPUTER TECHNIQUES IN POWER SYSTEMS
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / ELECTRICAL / EGEL4220 - POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND RELIABILITY
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / ELECTRICAL / EGEL4230 - BACHELOR PROJECT PHASE II
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / ELECTRICAL / EGEE4270 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / ELECTRICAL / EGEL4260 - SMART GRID
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / MECHANICAL
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / MECHANICAL / EGME4264 & MIIE4142 & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING & Industrial Management
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / MECHANICAL / EGME4120 & MIME4210 & CONTROL ENGINEERING
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / MECHANICAL / EGME4140 - BACHELOR PROJECT PHASE I
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / MECHANICAL / EGME4110 - THEORY OF MACHINES II
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / MECHANICAL / EGME4162 & MIME4220 & POWER PLANT ENGINEERING
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / MECHANICAL / EGME4230 - HEAT TRANSFER
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / MECHANICAL / EGME4210 - CAD/CAM
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / MECHANICAL / EGME4220 - MACHINE DESIGN II
Engineering / Engineering Courses / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor / MECHANICAL / EGME4240-BACHELOR PROJECT PHASE II
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Engineering / Department Activities / OJT / OJT-SEM-2-21-22
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Engineering / Department Activities / EXAMINATIONS / Engineering AY 2022-25
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Information Technology
Information Technology / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2
Information Technology / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Diploma Courses
Information Technology / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Advanced Diploma
Information Technology / AY 2024-2025 SEM-2 / Bachelor Courses
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AY-24-25-Sem-2 : STAT3101 - Probability and Statistics-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : MATH3121 - ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-Section-2
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : MATH3121 - ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSSY3203 - Ethical Hacking-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSSY3202 - Web Applications Security-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSSY3106 - Network Security and Management-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSSY3105 - Authentication and Access Control-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSSE3203 - Mobile Application Development-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSSE3102 - Object Oriented Analysis and Design-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSSE3101 - Advanced Web Technologies-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSSE3101 - Advanced Web Technologies-Section-2
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSRM3202 - Research Methodology-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSPM3201 - Project Management and Acquisition-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSNW3204 - Cloud Computing Fundamentals -Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSNW3204 - Cloud Computing Fundamentals -Section-2
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSNW3203 - System Administration-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSNW3203 - System Administration-Section-2
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSNW3102 - Network Programming-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSNW3101 - Advanced Routing and Switching-Section-1
AY-24-25-Sem-2 : CSIS3204 - Fundamentals of Digital Marketing-Section-1
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